Hey everyone! It's that time of the year again. Now last year I ran out of time to do this, but this year I am fully, and whole-heartedly participating. NaNoWriMo is NAtional Novel Writing Month. You write a novel in thirty days with a word count goal. My goal is 50,000 words (I'm sure I can do more, but I don't want to push my luck if anything comes up).
    Click on one of these links to see my progress: http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/884191 or http://figment.com/books/461093-Redemption
    My story is called Redemption. It's about a girl named Verina who is a crimelord, what the people of the underground call a 'Duke'. She is the Duke of assassination and mercenary work. My story is more her life story about how she came to be a Duke and the pain and sadness that made her so rotten and evil. She is just a shell of what she used to be.
    Enter NaNoWriMo with me! It's going to be great fun and anyone can do it! I'm doing the Young Writers Program verssion but you can do any that you wish.
